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Building the Future of Brain Medicine

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Not-For-Profit Organization 501 (c)(3)

Brain Medicine Institute & Education - Research Center

Building the Future of Brain Medicine

Support Our Mission

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  • Innovative Care

    We have the unique occasion to design, promote & evolve Brain Medicine, while simultaneously enriching our communities. As a transformative, proactive, green, global destination Center of Excellence, the Brain Medicine Institute will offer innovative 360-degree care to children & adults with brain diseases & injuries in our neighborhoods, nation & world.

  • Capital Goals

    We are looking to collaborate with philanthropists who are visionaries, have purpose of civic engagement & want to occupy a new arena. Your contribution will change medicine & the world. Moreover, invest in the future & most importantly, make a difference in the lives of one & many.

Join Our Vision

Brain Medicine Institute by NORR (Executive Architects)

Brain Medicine Institute by NORR (Executive Architects)

There are more than 150 disorders affecting the brains of children & adults. Currently, there are at least 17 million Americans living with the physical, emotional & social consequences. Today’s care is complex, fragmented, mismanaged, lacking treatment algorithms & research. This leads to patient dissatisfaction, poor outcomes & unnecessary expenditures. Through patient-centered world-class care, research & education, we can shape the future of brain medicine.

There are projects that are bold & then there are those that are absolutely inspirational. So noble, impactful & strategic that not only is a future foundation established, but a dynamic, sustainable legacy is formed.

Ricardo G. Senno, MD, MS, FAAPMR

Always With Hope

  • I wonder if it would have been different for us if there was a facility of excellence in brain injury

    that could have provided education to the educators and/or guidance for me as a parent. It is only with ongoing rehabilitation, research and support from specialized facilities such as the one your group has dreamed of that those persons with brain injury and their families can keep dreaming of better outcomes!!

    — M.L.W., RN-BSN

  • In 1992 I sustained a traumatic brain injury and my life changed.

    There is one difference between what could be a return to a life that resembles the one you just lost or in some cases that difference could mean life or death [...] Proper injury identification, proper care, proper rehabilitation and a proper life strategy. So do I know the world would be a better place for all who suffer from brain trauma if there was a hospital designed specifically for those who encounter a brain injury or stroke? Yes I do.

    — B.D.S.

  • Unless you have been there, you have no idea how much impact a brain injury has on so many things.

    A place that would specialize in the brain; research, treat and educate survivors and their families is not only your objective, it is the hope, dream and prayer of every single survivor, caregiver and loved ones I come in contact with.

    — E.D.

Make a Donation

There’s no greater gift on this Earth than the gift of friendship; the act of kindness that one person can do for another. Please donate today to support the Brain Medicine Institute. Thank you!

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Not-For-Profit Organization

501 (c)(3)